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All the amazing work on this page has been produced by students at The Abbey School!
Photo By Adam
Photo by Connor
Photo by Ethan
Photo By Jacob
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Photo by Charles
Photo by Caitlyn
Photo By Evan
Photo by Shantelle
The Abbey School Summer Poetry Competition 2020
So many students got involved with this challenge and it was lovely to read so many thoughtful and creative pieces of writing in response to lockdown. The challenge was to write a short poem to inspire and encourage others. I think you will agree that our students produced some truly inspirational writing!
1st Place - Together
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
I love this, Molly! The message is so simple but so important and the way you repeat the word ‘together’ gives the poem such power. I really like the way the poem moves from words like ‘scared’ and ‘worried’ to words like ‘support’ and ‘hope’. It shows how it is ok to have ‘bad’ feelings. It also shows how doing things ‘together’ can make us all feel better. Well done!
2nd Place - The Virus will go
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Wow, such a fantastic poem, Reg! You have used a really great range of words and some lovely poetic techniques too. I love the way you have used some rhyming and even some alliteration (“terrible taxing tunnel of time”). A lovely poem!
3rd Place - Little Brown Mouse
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Annabelle, what a powerful metaphor to use to give a message of hope – it works so well! I can just imagine the excitement we will all feel, just like the mouse, as we start to come out of lockdown. I love the “bird’s symphony” too!
Poem By Adam
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Great effort, Adam, well done! A really lovely message about the importance of family!
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
What a great acrostic poem, Amse, well done! I can feel the strength of this message of love and hope
Poem By Caitlyn
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Great stuff, Caitlyn, well done! This feels like a poem of determination and defiance. It helps to make me feel strong!
NHS Poem
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
This is great, Carla, well done! You use a real mix of words like ‘wonderful’ and ‘scary’, ‘horrible’ and ‘brave’ - this really shows how much good is coming out of a bad situation. I love it!
Support The NHS
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
A great acrostic poem, Ellen, well done! The way you use lots of imperative verbs (bossy words) helps the poem to sound strong and encouraging. I love the ideas of helping others too, such an important message. Fantastic!
Inspiring Poem
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Well done, Jody, great poem! You really capture how hard lockdown has been at times but you also write about hope and saving lives. A good balance!
Sunshine Thoughts
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Such a thoughtful poem, John, I love it! I really like your focus on nature. This perhaps reminds us to focus on the simple things in life and how amazing they are. Well done!
Lockdown Poem
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
An excellent poem, Joshua, well done! I like the way it moves from ‘bad’ ideas like lockdown and shutting lights off to more ‘good’ things like clapping and getting out of this mess. Very good!
Poem by Ray
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
A fantastic effort, Ray, well done! This was one of my favourite poems – I love the way you have used the Diamante form and the way you move from ‘bad’ things to ‘good’ things. Definitely an inspiring poem!
Stay at Home and Save Lives
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
A fantastic acrostic poem, Seb, well done! I really love the way you have included so many little details about lockdown life like Joe Wicks and clapping for the NHS. Great use of colour too!
Lock-down Much Wenlock
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Well done, Charles! I love the simile about going to a new planet – it has felt like that at times, hasn’t it! You also capture the idea of finding the positives which is a great inspiring message.
Poem of Hope
Comment from Mr. Clyde:
Tyler, a great effort. I particularly love your use of verbs (doing words). It really suggests that we are all doing all we can to fight back against the coronavirus by doing things like smiling, talking, walking, clapping and banging. A great inspiring poem, well done!