Access Facilities

The Abbey School is a school for students aged 11 to 16years with Learning and Additional Needs (LAN).

Physical Access

There is good access for all across the entire site. External paths and walkways are either level or have low incline ramps. There are electronic access doors at all key locations giving access to all. There are two entrances to the school hall one of which has three steps and hand rails on both sides and for staff, students or visitors with mobility needs there is a level entrance and exit nearby with very low level incline to the higher level.

The school field and football pitch are now also accessible by ramp as well as slope and steps.

Hearing Impaired

Two classrooms are equipped with a soundfield system which can be used by both staff and students. We also have a portable soundfield system for assemblies, etc.

Toilet facilities

There are three fully accessible toilets one of which has full hoisting facilities.

Learning Access

There are computers in most classrooms and class sets of iPads are available. There is at least one teaching assistant to support students in a full class size (10) teaching lesson. Students are banded 1-4 based on complexity of need. Funding should meet the arrangements needed for a student. The transfer from Statements to EHCP's should give more appropriate and long term funding to meet arrangements, however all additional funding is finally determined by the funding body, usually the local authority.


In addition to the school's main Evacuation Point there is a secondary EVP for those with very limited mobility.

A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is prepared for all students with significant mobility needs.


Access is level and additionally there is a designated parking bay for Disabled Persons adjacent to the main entrance.



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Abbey School accessibility plan 20th Sep 2023 Download