Speech and Language Therapy at The Abbey


Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) is provided on site at The Abbey School and funded by Surrey County Council. We are an integral part of the school team.

The SALT team consists of:

  • Judith Riordan - Speech and Language Therapist & Team Lead
  • Amelia Austin - Speech and Language Therapist
  • Laura Nevin - Speech and Language Therapist
  • Megan Fleming - Speech and Language Therapy Assistant

The therapy team collaborate with school staff to embed communication strategies in lessons and social activities. We spend time in classes with students and staff, offer training, work with the leadership team, and problem solve to make sure all students have an effective way of communicating, and reasons to communicate.

Universal & Targeted Support 

We help schools create an environment with high quality communication support, using a total communication approach.

We offer advice, resources, modelling and coaching for school-run intervention groups targeting language and social communication skills.  

We offer further support at school’s request e.g. classroom audits, training and advice for staff, attendance at parent’s evenings and supporting staff to set communication targets. 

Specialist Support 

When children need more support from our team, we offer individual, paired, or small group sessions, in and out of class. We monitor and review progress, and contribute to the Annual Review for all pupils receiving specialist input. 



If pupils present with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, we can refer them to the Dysphagia SLT team within our service for advice and/or assessment. The Dysphagia team can provide training and advice to school staff and their aim is to promote safe, efficient and enjoyable mealtimes. Some students will need assessment, and for key adults to receive advice and specific training om implementing recommendations to support them with their eating and drinking.

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language, communication or feeding skills, please contact your child’s form tutor or the school SENCO in the first instance.  


If you need to contact the Speech and Language Therapy team directly, please email SALT@abbey.surrey.sch.uk.