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Parent:Teacher Consultations
In addition to the annual EHCP review for each student, all parents/carers are invited to meet with their child's Form Tutor and/or subject teachers twice a year. Appointments with members of the school's pastoral and student support teams, therapists and other professionals who work with our students are also offered.
Sometimes parents' evenings are conducted in person in school providing additional opportunities to view students' exercise books/work, attend presentations, see the displays, meet other staff and parents or browse the second hand school uniform. However, since the pandemic lock-down, we have also used online meetings - these offer the convenience of not having to travel to the school or arrange child care and avoid waiting around if there is a gap between your appointments.
We use the School Cloud system for virtual appointments. You will receive a notification when the booking system goes live for your child and you will only need your child's name and date of birth to make appointments via the link below:
School Cloud is easy to use and can be accessed using any device with a camera, such as an iPad, P.C. or a mobile phone.
A guide to using the system can be found using this link: https://support.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/article/801-video-parents-how-to-attend-appointments-over-video-call
If you are unable to book an online appointment with a teacher you wish to speak to, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting over the phone (which you can of course also do at other times of the year, if required).