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Teaching and Learning
All students at The Abbey are entitled to a curriculum that inspires and quality teaching that challenges and supports individuals to be the best that they can be and enable them to to become valued and valuable members of society. Wherever possible teaching will aim to bring learning to life giving opportunities to put learning in to meaningful practice.
‘Flow Learning’ was created and developed by teaching and learning teams from across the Weydon Multi-Academy Trust. The model is based on the use of evidence-informed best practice and is designed to have maximum impact on student progress and attainment.
The three key elements of a Flow Learning lesson are:
- Subject passion and pedagogy
- The power of planning and explanation
- Responsive teaching
These will be underpinned by:
- High expectations and professional relationships
- Exceptional behaviour for learning and professional relationships
Teaching and learning at The Abbey is supported by continual professional development that supports staff in building expertise in their subject specialism as well as pedagogy.
All teaching staff attend weekly bitesize CPD session designed to constantly develop elements of our ‘Flow Learning’ model by researching and implementing the latest evidence-informed best practice and adapting to best suit our students.