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10th Jul 2024

Year 9 Residential - Isle of Wight

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Students arrived safe and happy after their ferry trip to the Isle of Wight.

The got straight down to the beach for a soggy beach walk before enjoying evening activities of laser tag.


Students woke up after a good night with all of the students happy and none of the rooms had disturbed any of the others!

Students moved around in three groups doing activities from Giant Swing, Problem Solving, Vertical Challenge, Archery, Abseiling, Zip Wire and Jacob's Ladder

Ms Edis had selected the best activities based on the feedback from last year's trip!


Some students chose to get up early with Ms Ellis and Mr Clark to go for an early morning run on the beach!

All the groups did canoeing together and every one of them got involved and out on the water. It felt like the first time it had stopped raining and the forecast looks like it continues to improve

After that groups did activities from the Giant Trapeze, Aeroball, Jacob's Ladder and Axe Throwing!

Students were brilliant through all of them and the team have managed to find a room with a big screen ready to watch England together as they look to get to the final of the Euros.


It's our final full day of activities and the year 9 group have been amazing. It's been great to watch their friendships grow and develop. There's a real togetherness in the group and they keep looking out for one another. 

Last night students got a private room set up with a screen so that they could watch the football together. 

Today they's done Zip Wire, Problem Solving, Trapeze, Aeroball, Giant Swing, Axe Throwing, Climbing and Archery. The weather's been fantastic and the students have had a great attitude to getting stuck in to the activities. 

This evening students and staff are going to head down to the beach for an evening of fun and games. 

Last night tonight, two more activities and then back to school tomorrow for 4.30pm collection. 

All the best,

The Little Canada Team!

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