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06th Jun 2024

Behind the Hoardings - A clean sweep!

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Ben and I work on numerous construction sites all over the country taking photographs. But we are struggling to remember one as clean and tidy as the new build at The Abbey! Special mention must go to 'Steve the broom' who certainly keeps things looking spick and span! There is a very serious side to this in the construction industry, as a tidy working area means there are fewer trip hazards and less chance of an accident happening. 

The partitioning of the interior walling is now almost complete and the plastering and ceiling work will commence shortly. It was particularly interesting to see the brickwork being prepared for the installation of the new windows in the reception area. This area was previously the staffroom, and prior to that a classroom for young students of primary school age, who used to attend The Abbey from as young as 6 years old. This ended when the school received its special secondary school designation in 2007/8. 

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