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School Clubs
Early Bird Club
Early Bird Club runs Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. (this is not a breakfast club as such, but drinks are provided, as required). The club is supervised by a member of The Abbey School staff who knows the students well hall. We ask parents and carers to contribute £2.50 per student per day/£12.50 per week (payable termly in advance) towards the cost of staffing and activities. Places can be booked via the Arbor Parent Portal or the school office.
Lunchtime Clubs
At The Abbey School we usually offer a wide range of lunchtime clubs. These are inclusive and open to all students throughout the school.
Lunchtime clubs are very important as they cater for students who prefer inside rather than outside play. There is usually a seasonal programme of lunchtime clubs catering to a variety of student interests. Clubs currently on offer include Basketball, Football, Computing, Film, Girls Social Club, Lego and Sports Club.
After School Clubs
There is an after school supervised session running until 4p.m. for students who are waiting to be collected by their parents/carers. We ask parents and carers to contribute £2.50 per student per day/£12.50 per week (payable termly in advance) towards the cost of staffing and activities. Please book via the Arbor Parent Portal or the school office. There is no charge for students who are waiting (under staff supervision) in the school hall until 3.30p.m. to be collected by their parents when the school gates reopen following the departure of the school transport vehicles.