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School Meals
School meals are provided by Innovate, please follow the link below to register, order and, unless you are entitled to free school meals, pay for school lunches:
Innovate registration and meals ordering portal
Innovate Website Ordering Guide
To contact IFG Innovate with any queries:
email: primary@impactfood.co.uk
telephone: 0204 542 7211
The application form for free school meals is simple and there is no need for you to supply any evidence to the school. Details of the eligibility criteria are on the application form. On receipt of your application, school office staff contact the checking service, in confidence, and are simply told whether you are entitled or not entitled to receive free school meals for your son/daughter. None of your financial details or any benefits you receive are revealed to us.
If you think you might be entitled, please do fill in the form and let us have your claim verified even if your son/daughter still wants to bring a packed lunch. For every student who is entitled to free school meals the school receives an additional pupil premium payment of over £1,000. You can download a copy of the form below or contact the school office for a copy. Thank you.