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KS4 Options
The Abbey School Curriculum at Key Stage 4 is designed to ensure that every student has a broad and balanced education whilst retaining a degree of choice and flexibility.
A key aim of the KS4 curriculum is to encourage independent learning and the development of key life skills with an emphasis on preparing students for life post-16.
Students in KS4 will continue to be taught the following core subjects English, Maths, P.E., Science, PSHE, R.E. and Computing.
Students will also select, with support and guidance, options which suit their interests, abilities and learning styles and which help them to realise their potential.
Qualification |
OCR Art and Design 60% Portfolio 40% Set Task (students have 10 supervised hours to produce a piece of work on a specific topic). |
About This Subject |
Students will explore drawing, painting and printmaking using a variety of methods and materials. We will use clay and make 3D Art work. We will learn about artists, craftspeople and other cultures and also visit galleries to see exhibitions and look at Art to make first hand responses for our portfolio projects. |
What Skills will you gain |
Creative people invent, imagine, problem solve, and communicate in fresh new ways. This course will nurture innovative thinking and allow individuals to flourish and develop their confidence which is an important life skill |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you like being creative and want to learn more about Art then this is the course for you! Anyone wanting a creative career in art needs to do this course as a basic grounding in Art and Design. There are many careers for which Art is a valuable foundation. |
Business Enterprise
Business Enterprise
Qualification |
Unaccredited |
About This Subject |
The students participate in: · Starting a new company · Setting up and attending company meetings · Choosing job roles within the new company · Choosing a business idea to generate revenue and profit · Market research · Keeping track of the finances · Making or sourcing the product or service · Promoting the product or service · Planning for selling events · Marketing and selling the product or service · Closing down the company at the end of the programme · Evaluating their performance |
What Skills will you gain |
Speaking in a range of different situations: An understanding of budgets and how to calculate a profit. Understand popularity of products How to run and manage a business |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you like the idea of setting up and running your own business or working in business. If you want to develop key life skills such as communication, confidence, team work, resilience and money management then choose this course. |
Qualification |
AQA Unit awards & BTEC |
About This Subject |
Throughout the course students will cover a range of topics including: diet; nutrition; food groups and health and safety. You will be learning about the importance of a healthy diet; students will develop the skills they will need in order to maintain this. Students will learn to cook independently as well as in groups. |
What skills will you gain |
· Cooking · Prepping food · Design a menu · Teamwork · Independent work · Time management · Organisational skills · Evaluation Skills · Communication skills · Ability to give feedback · Creative skills · How to stay safe in the kitchen · Food Hygiene |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you want to learn how to cook a variety of meals and desserts as well as learning how to be safe and hygienic when preparing food in a kitchen, then this is the course for you. You need to be enthusiastic and want to learn about how to cook. It is such an important life skill and could help you towards looking at a career in the food industry or retail. |
Child Care
Child Care
Qualification |
AQA Unit Award |
About This Subject |
The following topics are covered: · Parenting · Childcare provisions · Importance of play for under 5s · Books, television and DVDs · Children’s health |
What skills will you gain |
Skills gained will be relevant to wanting to work with children in the future. From being able to support children’s development through play, to being able to care for a sick child. |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you want to work with children in the future this course is for you. These qualifications can be useful to support college applications in the future for courses such as child care or health and social. They can also be useful to provide evidence of understanding towards employment to work with children. |
Design Technology
Design Technology
Qualification |
Unit Award Scheme - Certificate |
About This Subject |
Design and Technology is about designing and making quality projects using a range of materials and tools. You may use woods, metals and plastics to create your ideas using a variety of hand tools and machines. |
What skills will you gain |
· Wood Work · Learn to design and make things · Team building · Creativity · How to use equipment safely · Critical analysis · Research skills |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you like to design and make things this is the course for you. If you are interested in learning a trade such as carpentry then you will be interested in this course. Students who chose this subject will be expected to behave sensibly, work hard and be enthusiastic. |
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Qualification |
Bronze Award |
About This Subject |
This is an internationally recognised special and very exciting experience offered by The Abbey as a non-competitive, personal challenge for every student who elects to take part. Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. Physical: improve in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. This can be a physical activity within school or any sport ·Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests ·Expedition: to learn and demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to undertake the planning, training for and completion of an unsupported self-led adventurous journey. leadership, teambuilding. |
What skills will you gain |
· Camping Skills · Cooking skills · Use and Care of equipment · Map Reading & Compass skills · Route Planning · Survival skills · Team Work & Team Building · Country Craft · Improved Fitness |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you like physical activities and being outside if you have an open mind, are committed and dedicated, willing to learn and have fun. It provides the participant the chance to develop essential skills for life, fulfil their potential and potentially increase future educational and career opportunities. |
Qualification |
OCR Entry Level Geography 40% Personal Project |
About This Subject |
3 topics: |
What skills will you gain |
Students will understand the impact of industry and climate change on the environment, they will consider the history of a location and how the landscapes change due to natural and manmade influences. |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you are keen to find out about some of the big issues which affect our world, and understand the social, economic and physical forces and processes which shape and change our planet. If you want to have interesting discussions, develop your research skills and try some fieldwork then choose geography. |
Qualification |
OCR Entry Level History |
About This Subject |
A range of times and places are looked at which include: Crime and Punishment, American History, The Vikings and Migration to Britain. We study individual people from the past and changes to society. |
What skills will you gain |
· Research Skills · Writing Skills · Gaining a broad range of historical knowledge and understanding. · An appreciation of the culture and attitudes of societies other than our own · Presentation skills · Forming opinions about events that happened in the past · Gaining confidence through discussions and debates |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you want to know why events happened in the past this is the subject for you. If you like history and are motivated to learn about the past and how it has shaped our present, then chose history. Computer skills, reading and having your own opinions and views are vital. Do you want to extend your knowledge and have fun learning? Choose history! |
Qualification |
Accredited—ASDAN Certificate |
About This Subject |
Tasks completed during lessons could include; planting, potting and weeding, pruning and cutting back shrubbery, strimming and mowing grass, raking and collecting compost, building and managing areas to attract wildlife, collecting wood and building bonfires. It is important to remember that this is an outdoor subject and lessons take place during all weather conditions and students will be expected to get themselves and their clothes dirty. |
What Skills will you gain |
· Hot to plant and grow vegetables and flowers · How to look after a garden · How to use equipment safely · Team work · Sense of community · Learning about the environment · How to make eco friendly gardens |
Why Should I choose this subject |
Students who enjoy ‘hands on’ subjects with an interest in nature and the outdoors will be best suited to study Horticulture. |
Qualification | OCR Entry Level Art and Design: 60% Portfolio 40% Set task |
About This Subject | Students will study Famous photographers Features of a camera Styles of Photography Photo Editing Student will go offsite to take photos and will learn how to edit them in school |
What skills will you gain | A good understanding of photography Photo Composition How to edit photos Features of a camera Creativity Problem Solving Research Skills Team Work Social Skills |
Why Should I choose this subject | If you have an interest in photography, if you enjoy being creative and are willing to learn new skills. If you like going offsite and enjoy walking then this is the course for you. |
Performing Arts
Qualification |
Discover Arts Award, Unit Awards Scheme |
About this subject |
You will learn about different characters, roles and plays and shows. You can work on your creative thinking skills as you come up with ideas for how to get across ideas, themes and feelings to an audience. You will also get the chance do physical dance with our external provider Dance Fusion. You will be given opportunities to perform in front of the school and at local events or occasions as and when they arise. |
What skills will you gain |
· Confidence · Understand different situations context and cultures · Communication skills · Creative thinking · Physical literacy · Working as part of a team · Problem solving · Imagination |
Why Should I choose this subject |
If you are someone who enjoys the opportunity to express yourself through performing. If you enjoy being physically active |
Sports Studies
Sports Studies
Qualification | Accredited- Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership |
About This Subject | The students participate in: · Establishing Leadership Skills · Planning and assisting in leading sessions · Reviewing coaching sessions · Learning what skills and behaviours leaders need · Using their own leadership skills · Learning the roles of a referee · Trying to be a referee themselves · Learning what opportunities this may give you · Learning how to plan inclusive sport sessions · Leading structured and inclusive sessions · Assisting with structured and inclusive sessions · Reviewing sport sessions |
What skills will you gain | · Communication · Organisation · Social skills · Leadership · Creativity · Confidence |
Why Should I choose this subject | · Do you have an interest in sport? · Do you want to coach other people in sport? · Do you want to lead activities? · Do you like being active and helping others? · Then this course could be for you! |