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Photography KS4

As part of our Key Stage 4 provision, pupils get the opportunity to choose four subjects that they would like to study further during years 10 and 11. There are a dozen subjects to choose from.  These subjects always take place in the afternoons and are much more practical in nature. 


QUALIFICATION: OCR Entry Level Art & Design

Students concentrate on gaining a qualification in Art & Design with a focus on developing independence in order to make creative decisions. The OCR Art & Design qualification has five areas of study (Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Photography, Textile Design, and Three-Dimensional Design)  Currently the school offers two differing lessons of the same subject and qualification. This is broken down into Art and Photography.  

Students will develop the skills to meet the OCR assessment objectives, which include: 

The ability to undertake sustained research around a given topic (Art & Photography) 

To experiment with a range of different camera and editing techniques and explore a variety of photography disciplines (Photography) 

To create a range of original ideas inspired by the work of historical and contemporary artists and designers (Art & Photography) 

To create a personal response relevant to the line of enquiry (Art & Photography) 


Year 10 Topic
Autumn Introduction to course: Expectations & Photography Techniques 
Spring Photography Techniques & Styles of Photography
Summer Styles of Photography & Portfolio work


Year 11 Topic
Autumn Portfolio work
Spring Portfolio work
Summer Final Piece: All work submitted for exam

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