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Sport Studies KS4

Sport Studies Curriculum

The Sports Leaders curriculum aims to provide pupils the opportunity to understand and gain leadership skills that will help them not only in sport, but also in everyday life. In doing so, it improves student’s confidence to allow them to talk in front of larger groups of people and lead sessions. 

​The curriculum covers a wide range of sporting contexts and discusses the variety of employment opportunities within sports that require leadership skills. The ambitious curriculum enables students to lead groups of students across the school in a variety of sports that suit them. They have the opportunity to learn from teaching staff as well as each other by assisting in Year 7 PE and in each others lessons. 

The curriculum is logically sequenced, beginning with the key skills required for a leader, and developing into designing, running and evaluating their own lessons.


Supporting Reading

Subject disciplinary literacy is taught explicitly in Sports Studies with key words identified and introduced at the start of topics and revisited regularly to aid retention. Specific key words are highlighted in green to give focus in each lesson. Words mats, matching words, supporting images and examples are all used to introduce key vocabulary. Repetition of new and key vocabulary is used to support learning and to give students context to use these words.

In Sports Leaders, the ‘incidental teaching’ of phonics using Abbey Phonics supports both decoding and encoding. Scripts are used to give a consistent approach across the school. 

Where possible, stories are used to bring ideas to life, to give context to learning and to support retention. 

Widgit symbols are used in addition to text to support comprehension for students when reading.

In Sports Leaders, we provide regular opportunities for students to read a range of different texts. We encourage students to read for learning, moving beyond the mechanics of reading to gathering meaning and information from the text. We also give recommendations of reading materials to encourage reading beyond the classroom.



Year 10 & 11 Overview


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Understanding skills and behaviours of a leader

Applying the skills and behaviours of a leader. 


Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a leader. 

Understanding how to plan a session.

Planning and delivering a lesson.


Assisting in a whole school event.

Leading and assisting lessons to others.

Evaluating sessions and setting targets for the future. 



Students complete coursework throughout the course. This is regularly checked with constructive feedback given. 

Students are monitored throughout and challenged in order to develop their cognitive skills.


Enrichment opportunities

Sports leaders enables the students to: 

  • Help run whole school events
  • Builds confidence to apply for leadership roles within the school (house captains)
  • Consider post-16 qualifications within sports leadership